Trait nih_plug::plugin::Plugin

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pub trait Plugin: Default + Send + 'static {
    type SysExMessage: SysExMessage;
    type BackgroundTask: Send;

    const NAME: &'static str;
    const VENDOR: &'static str;
    const URL: &'static str;
    const EMAIL: &'static str;
    const VERSION: &'static str;
    const AUDIO_IO_LAYOUTS: &'static [AudioIOLayout];
    const MIDI_INPUT: MidiConfig = MidiConfig::None;
    const MIDI_OUTPUT: MidiConfig = MidiConfig::None;
    const SAMPLE_ACCURATE_AUTOMATION: bool = false;
    const HARD_REALTIME_ONLY: bool = false;

    // Required methods
    fn params(&self) -> Arc<dyn Params>;
    fn process(
        &mut self,
        buffer: &mut Buffer<'_>,
        aux: &mut AuxiliaryBuffers<'_>,
        context: &mut impl ProcessContext<Self>
    ) -> ProcessStatus;

    // Provided methods
    fn task_executor(&mut self) -> TaskExecutor<Self> { ... }
    fn editor(
        &mut self,
        async_executor: AsyncExecutor<Self>
    ) -> Option<Box<dyn Editor>> { ... }
    fn filter_state(state: &mut PluginState) { ... }
    fn initialize(
        &mut self,
        audio_io_layout: &AudioIOLayout,
        buffer_config: &BufferConfig,
        context: &mut impl InitContext<Self>
    ) -> bool { ... }
    fn reset(&mut self) { ... }
    fn deactivate(&mut self) { ... }
Expand description

The main plugin trait covering functionality common across most plugin formats. Most formats also have another trait with more specific data and functionality that needs to be implemented before the plugin can be exported to that format. The wrappers will use this to expose the plugin in a particular plugin format.

NIH-plug is semi-declarative, meaning that most information about a plugin is defined declaratively but it also doesn’t shy away from maintaining state when that is the path of least resistance. As such, the definitions on this trait fall in one of the following classes:

  • Plugin objects are stateful. During their lifetime the plugin API wrappers will call the various lifecycle methods defined below, with the initialize(), reset(), and process() functions being the most important ones.
  • Most of the rest of the trait statically describes the plugin. You will find this done in three different ways:
    • Most of this data, including the supported audio IO layouts, is simple enough that it can be defined through compile-time constants.
    • Some of the data is queried through a method as doing everything at compile time would impose a lot of restrictions on code structure and meta programming without any real benefits. In those cases the trait defines a method that is queried once and only once, immediately after instantiating the Plugin through Plugin::default(). Examples of these methods are Plugin::params(), and ClapPlugin::remote_controls().
    • Some of the data is defined through associated types. Rust currently sadly does not support default values for associated types, but all of these types can be set to () if you wish to ignore them. Examples of these types are Plugin::SysExMessage and Plugin::BackgroundTask.
  • Finally, there are some functions that return extension structs and handlers, similar to how the params() function returns a data structure describing the plugin’s parameters. Examples of these are the Plugin::editor() and Plugin::task_executor() functions, and they’re also called once and only once after the plugin object has been created. This allows the audio thread to have exclusive access to the Plugin object, and it makes it easier to compose these extension structs since they’re more loosely coupled to a specific Plugin implementation.

The main thing you need to do is define a [Params] struct containing all of your parameters. See the trait’s documentation for more information on how to do that, or check out the examples. The plugin also needs a Default implementation so it can be initialized. Most of the other functionality is optional and comes with default trait method implementations.

Required Associated Types§


type SysExMessage: SysExMessage

The plugin’s SysEx message type if it supports sending or receiving MIDI SysEx messages, or () if it does not. This type can be a struct or enum wrapping around one or more message types, and the SysExMessage trait is then used to convert between this type and basic byte buffers.


type BackgroundTask: Send

A type encoding the different background tasks this plugin wants to run, or () if it doesn’t have any background tasks. This is usually set to an enum type. The task type should not contain any heap allocated data like Vecs and Boxes. Tasks can be send using the methods on the various *Context objects.

Required Associated Constants§


const NAME: &'static str

The plugin’s name.


const VENDOR: &'static str

The name of the plugin’s vendor.


const URL: &'static str

A URL pointing to the plugin’s web page.


const EMAIL: &'static str

The vendor’s email address.


const VERSION: &'static str

Semver compatible version string (e.g. 0.0.1). Hosts likely won’t do anything with this, but just in case they do this should only contain decimals values and dots.


const AUDIO_IO_LAYOUTS: &'static [AudioIOLayout]

The plugin’s supported audio IO layouts. The first config will be used as the default config if the host doesn’t or can’t select an alternative configuration. Because of that it’s recommended to begin this slice with a stereo layout. For maximum compatibility with the different plugin formats this default layout should also include all of the plugin’s auxiliary input and output ports, if the plugin has any. If the slice is empty, then the plugin will not have any audio IO.

Both AudioIOLayout and PortNames have .const_default() functions for compile-time equivalents to Default::default():

const AUDIO_IO_LAYOUTS: &'static [AudioIOLayout] = &[AudioIOLayout {
    main_input_channels: NonZeroU32::new(2),
    main_output_channels: NonZeroU32::new(2),

    aux_input_ports: &[new_nonzero_u32(2)],


Some plugin hosts, like Ableton Live, don’t support MIDI-only plugins and may refuse to load plugins with no main output or with zero main output channels.

Provided Associated Constants§


const MIDI_INPUT: MidiConfig = MidiConfig::None

Whether the plugin accepts note events, and what which events it wants to receive. If this is set to MidiConfig::None, then the plugin won’t receive any note events.


const MIDI_OUTPUT: MidiConfig = MidiConfig::None

Whether the plugin can output note events. If this is set to MidiConfig::None, then the plugin won’t have a note output port. When this is set to another value, then in most hosts the plugin will consume all note and MIDI CC input. If you don’t want that, then you will need to forward those events yourself.



If enabled, the audio processing cycle may be split up into multiple smaller chunks if parameter values change occur in the middle of the buffer. Depending on the host these blocks may be as small as a single sample. Bitwig Studio sends at most one parameter change every 64 samples.


const HARD_REALTIME_ONLY: bool = false

If this is set to true, then the plugin will report itself as having a hard realtime processing requirement when the host asks for it. Supported hosts will never ask the plugin to do offline processing.

Required Methods§


fn params(&self) -> Arc<dyn Params>

The plugin’s parameters. The host will update the parameter values before calling process(). These string parameter IDs parameters should never change as they are used to distinguish between parameters.

Queried only once immediately after the plugin instance is created.


fn process( &mut self, buffer: &mut Buffer<'_>, aux: &mut AuxiliaryBuffers<'_>, context: &mut impl ProcessContext<Self> ) -> ProcessStatus

Process audio. The host’s input buffers have already been copied to the output buffers if they are not processing audio in place (most hosts do however). All channels are also guaranteed to contain the same number of samples. Lastly, denormals have already been taken case of by NIH-plug, and you can optionally enable the assert_process_allocs feature to abort the program when any allocation occurs in the process function while running in debug mode.

The framework provides convenient iterators on the Buffer object to process audio either either per-sample per-channel, or per-block per-channel per-sample. The first approach is preferred for plugins that don’t require block-based processing because of their use of per-sample SIMD or excessive branching. The parameter smoothers can also work in both modes: use Smoother::next() for per-sample processing, and Smoother::next_block() for block-based processing.

The context object contains context information as well as callbacks for working with note events. The AuxiliaryBuffers contain the plugin’s sidechain input buffers and auxiliary output buffers if it has any.

TODO: Provide a way to access auxiliary input channels if the IO configuration is asymmetric

Provided Methods§


fn task_executor(&mut self) -> TaskExecutor<Self>

A function that executes the plugin’s tasks. When implementing this you will likely want to pattern match on the task type, and then send any resulting data back over a channel or triple buffer. See BackgroundTask.

Queried only once immediately after the plugin instance is created. This function takes &mut self to make it easier to move data into the closure.


fn editor( &mut self, async_executor: AsyncExecutor<Self> ) -> Option<Box<dyn Editor>>

Returns an extension struct for interacting with the plugin’s editor, if it has one. Later the host may call Editor::spawn() to create an editor instance. To read the current parameter values, you will need to clone and move the Arc containing your Params object into the editor. You can later modify the parameters through the GuiContext and ParamSetter after the editor GUI has been created. NIH-plug comes with wrappers for several common GUI frameworks that may have their own ways of interacting with parameters. See the repo’s readme for more information.

Queried only once immediately after the plugin instance is created. This function takes &mut self to make it easier to move data into the Editor implementation.


fn filter_state(state: &mut PluginState)

This function is always called just before a PluginState is loaded. This lets you directly modify old plugin state to perform migrations based on the PluginState::version field. Some examples of use cases for this are renaming parameter indices, remapping parameter values, and preserving old preset compatibility when introducing new parameters with default values that would otherwise change the sound of a preset. Keep in mind that automation may still be broken in the first two use cases.


This is an advanced feature that the vast majority of plugins won’t need to implement.


fn initialize( &mut self, audio_io_layout: &AudioIOLayout, buffer_config: &BufferConfig, context: &mut impl InitContext<Self> ) -> bool

Initialize the plugin for the given audio IO configuration. From this point onwards the audio IO layouts and the buffer sizes are fixed until this function is called again.

Before this point, the plugin should not have done any expensive initialization. Please don’t be that plugin that takes twenty seconds to scan.

After this function reset() will always be called. If you need to clear state, such as filters or envelopes, then you should do so in that function instead.

  • If you need to access this information in your process function, then you can copy the values to your plugin instance’s object.
  • If the plugin is being restored from an old state, then that state will have already been restored at this point.
  • If based on those parameters (or for any reason whatsoever) the plugin needs to introduce latency, then you can do so here using the process context.
  • Depending on how the host restores plugin state, this function may be called multiple times in rapid succession. It may thus be useful to check if the initialization work for the current bufffer and audio IO configurations has already been performed first.
  • If the plugin fails to initialize for whatever reason, then this should return false.

fn reset(&mut self)

Clear internal state such as filters and envelopes. This is always called after initialize(), and it may also be called at any other time from the audio thread. You should thus not do any allocations in this function.


fn deactivate(&mut self)

Called when the plugin is deactivated. The host will call initialize() again before the plugin resumes processing audio. These two functions will not be called when the host only temporarily stops processing audio. You can clean up or deallocate resources here. In most cases you can safely ignore this.

There is no one-to-one relationship between calls to initialize() and deactivate(). initialize() may be called more than once before deactivate() is called, for instance when restoring state while the plugin is still activate.
