Trait nih_plug::params::Params

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pub unsafe trait Params: 'static + Send + Sync {
    // Required method
    fn param_map(&self) -> Vec<(String, ParamPtr, String)>;

    // Provided methods
    fn serialize_fields(&self) -> BTreeMap<String, String> { ... }
    fn deserialize_fields(&self, serialized: &BTreeMap<String, String>) { ... }
Expand description

Describes a struct containing parameters and other persistent fields.

Deriving Params and #[id = "stable"]

This trait can be derived on a struct containing FloatParam and other parameter fields by adding #[derive(Params)]. When deriving this trait, any of those parameter fields should have the #[id = "stable"] attribute, where stable is an up to 6 character long string (to avoid collisions) that will be used to identify the parameter internally so you can safely move it around and rename the field without breaking compatibility with old presets.

#[persist = "key"]

The struct can also contain other fields that should be persisted along with the rest of the preset data. These fields should be PersistentFields annotated with the #[persist = "key"] attribute containing types that can be serialized and deserialized with Serde.

#[nested], #[nested(group_name = "group name")]

Finally, the Params object may include parameters from other objects. Setting a group name is optional, but some hosts can use this information to display the parameters in a tree structure. Parameter IDs and persisting keys still need to be unique when using nested parameter structs.

Take a look at the example gain example plugin to see how this is used.

#[nested(id_prefix = "foo", group_name = "Foo")]

Adding this attribute to a Params sub-object works similarly to the regular #[nested] attribute, but it also adds an ID to all parameters from the nested object. If a parameter in the nested nested object normally has parameter ID bar, the parameter’s ID will now be renamed to foo_bar. The same thing happens with persistent field keys to support multiple copies of the field. This makes it possible to reuse the same parameter struct with different names and parameter indices.

#[nested(array, group_name = "Foo")]

This can be applied to an array-like data structure and it works similar to a nested attribute with an id_name, except that it will iterate over the array and create unique indices for all nested parameters. If the nested parameters object has a parameter called bar, then that parameter will belong to the group Foo {array_index + 1}, and it will have the renamed parameter ID bar_{array_index + 1}. The same thing applies to persistent field keys.


This implementation is safe when using from the wrapper because the plugin’s returned Params object lives in an Arc, and the wrapper also holds a reference to this Arc.

Required Methods§


fn param_map(&self) -> Vec<(String, ParamPtr, String)>

Create a mapping from unique parameter IDs to parameter pointers along with the name of the group/unit/module they are in, as a (param_id, param_ptr, group) triple. The order of the Vec determines the display order in the (host’s) generic UI. The group name is either an empty string for top level parameters, or a slash/delimited "group name 1/Group Name 2" if this Params object contains nested child objects. All components of a group path must exist or you may encounter panics. The derive macro does this for every parameter field marked with #[id = "stable"], and it also inlines all fields from nested child Params structs marked with #[nested(...)] while prefixing that group name before the parameter’s original group name. Dereferencing the pointers stored in the values is only valid as long as this object is valid.


This uses String even though for the Params derive macro &'static str would have been fine to be able to support custom reusable Params implementations.

Provided Methods§


fn serialize_fields(&self) -> BTreeMap<String, String>

Serialize all fields marked with #[persist = "stable_name"] into a hash map containing JSON-representations of those fields so they can be written to the plugin’s state and recalled later. This uses persist::serialize_field() under the hood.


fn deserialize_fields(&self, serialized: &BTreeMap<String, String>)

Restore all fields marked with #[persist = "stable_name"] from a hashmap created by serialize_fields(). All of these fields should be wrapped in a persist::PersistentField with thread safe interior mutability, like an RwLock or a Mutex. This gets called when the plugin’s state is being restored. This uses persist::deserialize_field() under the hood.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<P: Params> Params for Arc<P>

This may be useful when building generic UIs using nested Params objects.
