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use super::Plugin;
use crate::prelude::Vst3SubCategory;
/// Provides auxiliary metadata needed for a VST3 plugin.
pub trait Vst3Plugin: Plugin {
/// The unique class ID that identifies this particular plugin. You can use the
/// `*b"fooofooofooofooo"` syntax for this.
/// This will be shuffled into a different byte order on Windows for project-compatibility.
const VST3_CLASS_ID: [u8; 16];
/// One or more subcategories. The host may use these to categorize the plugin. Internally this
/// slice will be converted to a string where each character is separated by a pipe character
/// (`|`). This string has a limit of 127 characters, and anything longer than that will be
/// truncated.
const VST3_SUBCATEGORIES: &'static [Vst3SubCategory];
/// [`VST3_CLASS_ID`][Self::VST3_CLASS_ID`] in the correct order for the current platform so
/// projects and presets can be shared between platforms. This should not be overridden.
const PLATFORM_VST3_CLASS_ID: [u8; 16] = swap_vst3_uid_byte_order(Self::VST3_CLASS_ID);
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
const fn swap_vst3_uid_byte_order(uid: [u8; 16]) -> [u8; 16] {
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
const fn swap_vst3_uid_byte_order(mut uid: [u8; 16]) -> [u8; 16] {
// No mutable references in const functions, so we can't use `uid.swap()`
let original_uid = uid;
uid[0] = original_uid[3];
uid[1] = original_uid[2];
uid[2] = original_uid[1];
uid[3] = original_uid[0];
uid[4] = original_uid[5];
uid[5] = original_uid[4];
uid[6] = original_uid[7];
uid[7] = original_uid[6];