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use super::Plugin;
use crate::prelude::{ClapFeature, RemoteControlsContext};
/// Provides auxiliary metadata needed for a CLAP plugin.
pub trait ClapPlugin: Plugin {
/// A unique ID that identifies this particular plugin. This is usually in reverse domain name
/// notation, e.g. `com.manufacturer.plugin-name`.
const CLAP_ID: &'static str;
/// An optional short description for the plugin.
const CLAP_DESCRIPTION: Option<&'static str>;
/// The URL to the plugin's manual, if available.
const CLAP_MANUAL_URL: Option<&'static str>;
/// The URL to the plugin's support page, if available.
const CLAP_SUPPORT_URL: Option<&'static str>;
/// Keywords describing the plugin. The host may use this to classify the plugin in its plugin
/// browser.
const CLAP_FEATURES: &'static [ClapFeature];
/// If set, this informs the host about the plugin's capabilities for polyphonic modulation.
const CLAP_POLY_MODULATION_CONFIG: Option<PolyModulationConfig> = None;
/// This function can be implemented to define plugin-specific [remote control
/// pages](https://github.com/free-audio/clap/blob/main/include/clap/ext/draft/remote-controls.h)
/// that the host can use to provide better hardware mapping for a plugin. See the linked
/// extension for more information.
fn remote_controls(&self, context: &mut impl RemoteControlsContext) {}
/// Configuration for the plugin's polyphonic modulation options, if it supports .
pub struct PolyModulationConfig {
/// The maximum number of voices this plugin will ever use. Call the context's
/// `set_current_voice_capacity()` method during initialization or audio processing to set the
/// polyphony limit.
pub max_voice_capacity: u32,
/// If set to `true`, then the host may send note events for the same channel and key, but using
/// different voice IDs. Bitwig Studio, for instance, can use this to do voice stacking. After
/// enabling this, you should always prioritize using voice IDs to map note events to voices.
pub supports_overlapping_voices: bool,